
Anxiety - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Anxiety is a physiological and psychological state characterized by cognitive, somatic, emotional, and behavioral components. [1] These components combine -

NIMH · Anxiety Disorders
Anxiety is a normal reaction to stress. It helps one deal with a tense situation in the office, study harder for an exam, keep focused on an important

Wiley InterScience :: JOURNALS :: Anxiety

Phenomenology and severity of major depression and comorbid lifetime anxiety disorders in primary medical care practice (p 210-218)

Should You Take Prescription Medication For Anxiety Attacks?

Should You Take Prescription Medication For Anxiety Attacks?
By Sylvie Daniels

Are you considering taking prescription medication to help cure the symptoms of your anxiety attacks? Lets face it, weve all the seen the commercials from the various drug companies promising a simple cure for your anxiety attacks by taking prescription medication.

Heres what they dont tell you:

1.Prescription medications mask the root problem of your anxiety attacks. Yes, you may have temporary relief of your symptoms but your anxiety attacks started for a reason. You need to discover the root problem in order to find the solution as to why your body is reacting with an anxiety attack instead of covering it up with medication.

2.Prescription medications are addictive, which can mean a long, agonizing withdrawal period when you want to get off them. You have to wean yourself off gradually and this process can cause your anxiety attack symptoms to worsen or other side affects to occur before you are completely off the prescription medication.

3.After long-term use of the prescription medication, you may find that you need higher doses in order to keep the medication functioning. You may end up returning to your doctor repeatedly, only to have him increase your dosage, or worse, prescribe a stronger medication for you.

The remarkable part about these drug prescription commercials is the disclaimer they ramble off quickly near the end listing the side affects that some of these prescription drugs can produce. Are you truly prepared to risk your long-term health by taking these prescription medications?

The commercials make the cure sound so wonderful: take a pill and all your anxiety attack symptoms will be gone. Its very tempting to be seduced into a quick-fix. However, you should take a pro-active approach and do further research before you buy into these so-called cures. There is massive information available on the internet about anxiety disorders as well as on specific prescription drugs and their side-effects.

You should know that natural remedies do exist such as Chamomile tea or St. Johns Wort for relief of some anxiety attack symptoms. Moreover, you may find that an appointment with a Naturopathic doctor or a Hypno-Therapist to be a more natural solution than a visit to your family physician and his trusty prescription pad.

Be an informed anxiety attack patient. Do your research and find the natural cure that will work for you over the long term without the harmful side-effects. Anxiety attacks are 100% curable; you only need to find the natural solution that is right for you.

Sylvie Daniels is the owner of Anxiety Attack Blog. View her recommended sources for curing your anxiety disorder.

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Jacketed General Anxiety Disorder

Jacketed General Anxiety Disorder
By Ryan Fyfe

The term Anxiety disorder has become a jacket term, covering many unique forms of abnormal anxiety, fears, phobias and nervous conditions. All of these conditions come on suddenly and prevent an individual from continuining daily routines.

Of the several different types of anxiety disorder these are the most popular:

- Claustrophobia

- Social anxiety

- Specific phobias

- Obsessive-compulsive disorder

- General anxiety disorder

- Post-traumatic stress disorder

- Agoraphobia

- Panic disorder

- Separation anxiety disorder

Usually all of these disorders or conditions are chronix, and lifestyle restricting. Alot of times individuals will be born with their condition, but it is also known that they can begin suddenly after a triggering event. Stress is a known factor which will increase in their persistence.

There are several drugs available on the market that treat these disorders. They are drugs like benzodiazepines and antidepressants. A good counselor or behavioural therapist is often able to treat the disorders through use of cognitive therapies.

It is important to know that anxiety is a complicated combination of the feeling of fear and worry. It can occur as a primary brain disorder, but is often times associated with other medical problems. Anxiety is most of the time said to have a cognitive, an emotial, a somatic and a behavioral component. All of these components make up the whole, which is Anxiety. In it's chronic state Social Anxiety Disorder can be disabling, and prevent individuals from completing daily tasks, although with the help of drugs and therapies many of these individuals can battle the disorder and continue on with their lives.

Feel free to reprint this article as long as you keep the article, this caption and author biography in tact with all hyperlinks.

Ryan Fyfe is the owner and operator of Social Anxiety Disorder Treatment -, which is the best site on the internet for all Anxiety related information.

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Using Hypnosis for Job Interview Anxiety

Using Hypnosis for Job Interview Anxiety
By Lyndsay Swinton

For many people, the very thought of a job interview can cause an attack of the nerves: butterflies in the stomach, dry mouth, and weak knees. Sometimes, the thought of a job interview can even trigger a panic attack. If this happens to you, you might be interested in some tips on using hypnosis for job interview anxiety.

If the thought of a job interview makes you nervous, you have what is called anticipatory anxiety, and it is very common. Many people have it over all sorts of situations. You need to try to relax and calm down, and there are several ways to do this.

First, make sure you are completely prepared for the interview, down to the fine detail of knowing exactly how to travel to the interview and contingencies in case of being delayed. Have your clothes picked out, any materials you are bringing ready, and make sure you get a good nights sleep beforehand. Also remember that life goes on after the interview, so try to keep it all in perspective. Even if you don't get the job, you will have learned something worthwhile from the experience which you can improve upon in your next interview.

You should also practice some deep breathing exercises, breathing from the diaphragm and not your chest. This will trigger a relaxation response that will soon become second nature to you - it's called 7-11 breathing. You breath in for a count of 7, and out for a count of 11 and repeat this slow, deep breathing for a few minutes until your body quietens down. This forces your body to move out of the 'fight or flight' state, into a more useful, calmer state.

Now, if you do all of these things and you still feel nervous, you might want to consider using hypnosis for your job interview anxiety. Hypnosis is really no more than a way to get into a deeply relaxed state, during which you are able to access your unconscious mind, where your fears and anxiety are stored. You will be able to replace any negative thoughts you are having about your job interview with positive thoughts. For example, you can practice hearing you talk confidently, and answer tricky questions without being flustered. As a result, you will find that your anxiety over the interview is greatly relieved, and you'll go into your interview with an abundance of energy and confidence you canl give it your best.

Copyright 2006 Lyndsay Swinton

Article by Lyndsay Swinton of 'How Hypnosis Works' This site explains how hypnosis works for all sorts of everyday problems and more unusual human troubles and challenges.

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About Baby's Separation Anxiety

About Baby's Separation Anxiety
By Adwina D. Jackson

How do I feel about my childs separation anxiety? Honestly, its absolutely one of the most delightful feelings I really enjoy as a mom.

I remember when my son was between 8-9 months old. Just like every mother, I couldnt forget those moments.

At that time, he often asked for more attention from me rather than from anybody in the house. No matter where he was or who was holding him, as soon as he saw me, he suddenly cried as if he was asking me to hold him.

When I came close to him, he abruptly opened his arms and looked so happy. His cry stopped in a moment. It was truly an unspoken feeling I had experienced.

But there was also time when he acted differently from what I had expected. When I went for work, I thought he would cry hard to see me leaving him. I hugged him tight and kissed his face again and again.

I told him, Baby, Mommy have to go to work now. Eat and drink a lot, okay? And have a good nap. Ill be back. Love you much. Bubye.

Sometimes he kept looking at me when I said so. I expected him to start weeping. But it didnt happen. I wondered why. I found out later that he was interested with the wheels of the car I traveled in everyday.

Whenever the car started to run, my son always kept his eyes on the wheels. Looking at them spinning must have been very exciting to him. I just smiled, though my heart broke a little. I soothed myself by thinking that it was good for him being curious of strange things.

My son is a baby who has sleeping problem. Throughout the night during his sleep, he often woke up several times. If he woke up and didnt find me nearby, he would cry out loud, making the whole house panic as if something really bad happen.

When I got into the bedroom, he would crawl toward me, and then I hugged him. Hed be calm afterward. Breastfeeding really worked to put him back to sleep.

Thank God I decided to breastfeed him so that I wouldnt be engaged with the rush of preparing formula during the night. Yes, I chose to breastfeed him in nighttimes, even though he still got formula in day times.

Maybe this breastfeeding activity had created the bond between us. I enjoyed it, and still until now. This might also what made my son didnt want to stay away from me.

If your baby or child has the same characteristic as my son has, Im sure you have the same feeling as I do. If you think that your babys cry (for being away from you) annoy you, just remember that it wont last forever.

Separation anxiety is a phase in your childs development during his early years of life. Almost all children go through this experience. What I can suggest you is just enjoy these intimate moments before theyre gone along with your childs growth.

From what Ive heard from my friends about this, youre gonna miss the moments. To me, even now, I really dont want the phase fade away.

Wait, wait. Theres one more thing Id like to share with you, which you may not think will make your child comfortable. I remember my friend told me that if youre going somewhere, dont forget to tell your child that youll be back. Instead of sneaking out of the house, waving your hand and saying that youll be back will soothe him somehow.

About the author: Adwina D. Jackson is a wife and mother of a young boy. She's also the editor of Inspiring Parenting, an online source of valuable parenting information. Please visit Inspiring Parenting for helpful and free parenting info.

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Secured Personal Loan Face Your Rough Phases Of Life With No Anxiety

Secured Personal Loan - Face Your Rough Phases Of Life With No Anxiety
By Clifford Connor

Secured personal loans are designed for your various personal reasons. You might have to go through various hardships in life, if you are not financially sound. Secured personal loan is a great option to grab when financial adversities knock at your door.

A limited resources and unstable economical status often prevents you from purchasing all those commodities, which can make your life comfortable and contented. You are left with no hopes but to give up your necessities and desires. Secured personal loan is therefore an advantage for all meeting all these needs.

Secured personal loan has a basic characteristic, which is offering your any property may be your car or house as collateral with the lender. This is kept as security against the loan money, till the time you dont pay off your entire repayment amount. Besides this you have to bear the risk losing your asset, in case you are not able to make your repayments on time. However low interest rate and long repayment time give you some relief from the risk.

Secured personal loan permits you to borrow a good amount for your personal expenditure because you are keeping your asset at stake. Some of the major purposes of this loan are- home improvement, wedding, excursion, funding education, debt consolidation etc. Secured personal loan is a good option for home owners because they can easily offer their homes as collateral when they are occupied with financial troubles and looking to recover from it. Internet search can prove fruitful for you, it avails you all the information of secured personal loan and its lenders.

About The Author:The author is a business writer specializing in finance and credit products and has written authoritative articles on the finance industry. He has done his masters in Business Administration and is currently assisting Uk-Direct-Loans as a finance specialist.

For more information please visit at:

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Three Shocking Reasons Why You Prevent Yourself From Healing From Anxiety!

Three Shocking Reasons Why You Prevent Yourself From Healing From Anxiety!
By Alexandra Mannock

If you suffer from anxiety, you know exactly how incredibly hard it is to make it go away. Every day you wake up and hope that you can somehow calm down, relax, and get better. You've tried everything from medication to psychotherapy to self-help books...but nothing seems to work!

The sad part is, after all of that exhaustive work you've done to get rid of your stress, you throw your hands up and say, No one can fix me! ...and then you decide that since nothing can be done, you'll simply suffer in silence, go on with life, and cope with this thing called anxiety.

Let me tell you something that will both shock you AND give you incredible relief: You've always had the power to make your anxiety go away for good, but you are blocking yourself from doing this.Yes...You heard me...You are actually preventing yourself from getting cured!

Listen carefully, because you should know that there are three Blocking Behaviors that you are likely engaging in to impede your healing process, and stop you from enjoying a stress-free life. Here they are:

1. Obsessive Negativity

When you are obsessively negative, it means that you have a tendency toward being egative about people, places, situations, and things in your life. Perhaps you find yourself saying things like I can't do this! or No one understands! or Nothing ever works!, for example. You may be doing this unconsciously, but essentially you have what's known as a sour grapes attitude, and it holds you back from knowing what it's like to view life from a positive lens and enjoy the beauty in yourself and people around you! There's a whole world out there for you...with happiness and positive thinking.

2. Obsessive Perfectionism

When you engage in obsessive perfectionism, you are centered on trying to do everything just the point of driving yourself into an anxious state of being. You may find yourself making statements such as, I have to do this right, or I'll be a failure! or If I am not precise, people will be mad at me! Again, this behavior may be totally under the threshold of your awareness, but it interferes greatly with your ability to enjoy things without feeling uptight and stressed.

3. Obsessive Analysis

When you are obsessed about analyzing things, you find yourself wanting to re-hash a task or an issue over and over again. For instance, you might find yourself making statements such as, I need to look this over, study it, and know it inside and out...or else I can't relax! or If I relax and let things go without looking them over repeatedly, things go wrong! While analytical thinking is an excellent trait, if it's done in excess you never get to stop and smell the roses because you're too busy trying to analyze everything and everyone around you. Gaining insight into this type of behavior is one of the most important keys to letting go of stress, and getting complete power over your anxiety.

If you find yourself engaging in any of the above Blocking Behaviors, there are two things you can do to help yourself:

1. Ask the people you know, love, and trust, Am I negative about things?, Do I complain alot?, and Am I difficult to be around?

This may be hard for you to listen to, as the truth sometimes hurts a great deal. But the insight you will get from others' assessment of you is invaluble, and you'll know precisely how others see you. Accept their comments as helpful info, and know that you will gain amazing insights from what you hear.

2 Keep a journal to write down and establish patterns of when you are using locking behaviors.

Even if you are not thrilled with the idea of writing, you can make little entries into a note book or journal each day. The great part is, you'll begin to see patterns in your behavior that reveal exactly what you're doing to prevent yourself from curing your anxiety.

Alexandra Mannock, MA, CAGS is a former psychotherapist who offers a free five-day mini-course revealing untold secrets to cure your anxiety the easy way...without medication. This course is available now at: Alexandra also recently released an amazing new e-book entitled Anxiety Zapper: The Easiest Guide To Having Complete Power Over Your Anxiety! Find out what everyone is raving about at:

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