
Anxiety - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Anxiety is a physiological and psychological state characterized by cognitive, somatic, emotional, and behavioral components. [1] These components combine -

NIMH · Anxiety Disorders
Anxiety is a normal reaction to stress. It helps one deal with a tense situation in the office, study harder for an exam, keep focused on an important

Wiley InterScience :: JOURNALS :: Anxiety

Phenomenology and severity of major depression and comorbid lifetime anxiety disorders in primary medical care practice (p 210-218)

Should You Take Prescription Medication For Anxiety Attacks?

Should You Take Prescription Medication For Anxiety Attacks?
By Sylvie Daniels

Are you considering taking prescription medication to help cure the symptoms of your anxiety attacks? Lets face it, weve all the seen the commercials from the various drug companies promising a simple cure for your anxiety attacks by taking prescription medication.

Heres what they dont tell you:

1.Prescription medications mask the root problem of your anxiety attacks. Yes, you may have temporary relief of your symptoms but your anxiety attacks started for a reason. You need to discover the root problem in order to find the solution as to why your body is reacting with an anxiety attack instead of covering it up with medication.

2.Prescription medications are addictive, which can mean a long, agonizing withdrawal period when you want to get off them. You have to wean yourself off gradually and this process can cause your anxiety attack symptoms to worsen or other side affects to occur before you are completely off the prescription medication.

3.After long-term use of the prescription medication, you may find that you need higher doses in order to keep the medication functioning. You may end up returning to your doctor repeatedly, only to have him increase your dosage, or worse, prescribe a stronger medication for you.

The remarkable part about these drug prescription commercials is the disclaimer they ramble off quickly near the end listing the side affects that some of these prescription drugs can produce. Are you truly prepared to risk your long-term health by taking these prescription medications?

The commercials make the cure sound so wonderful: take a pill and all your anxiety attack symptoms will be gone. Its very tempting to be seduced into a quick-fix. However, you should take a pro-active approach and do further research before you buy into these so-called cures. There is massive information available on the internet about anxiety disorders as well as on specific prescription drugs and their side-effects.

You should know that natural remedies do exist such as Chamomile tea or St. Johns Wort for relief of some anxiety attack symptoms. Moreover, you may find that an appointment with a Naturopathic doctor or a Hypno-Therapist to be a more natural solution than a visit to your family physician and his trusty prescription pad.

Be an informed anxiety attack patient. Do your research and find the natural cure that will work for you over the long term without the harmful side-effects. Anxiety attacks are 100% curable; you only need to find the natural solution that is right for you.

Sylvie Daniels is the owner of Anxiety Attack Blog. View her recommended sources for curing your anxiety disorder.

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Jacketed General Anxiety Disorder

Jacketed General Anxiety Disorder
By Ryan Fyfe

The term Anxiety disorder has become a jacket term, covering many unique forms of abnormal anxiety, fears, phobias and nervous conditions. All of these conditions come on suddenly and prevent an individual from continuining daily routines.

Of the several different types of anxiety disorder these are the most popular:

- Claustrophobia

- Social anxiety

- Specific phobias

- Obsessive-compulsive disorder

- General anxiety disorder

- Post-traumatic stress disorder

- Agoraphobia

- Panic disorder

- Separation anxiety disorder

Usually all of these disorders or conditions are chronix, and lifestyle restricting. Alot of times individuals will be born with their condition, but it is also known that they can begin suddenly after a triggering event. Stress is a known factor which will increase in their persistence.

There are several drugs available on the market that treat these disorders. They are drugs like benzodiazepines and antidepressants. A good counselor or behavioural therapist is often able to treat the disorders through use of cognitive therapies.

It is important to know that anxiety is a complicated combination of the feeling of fear and worry. It can occur as a primary brain disorder, but is often times associated with other medical problems. Anxiety is most of the time said to have a cognitive, an emotial, a somatic and a behavioral component. All of these components make up the whole, which is Anxiety. In it's chronic state Social Anxiety Disorder can be disabling, and prevent individuals from completing daily tasks, although with the help of drugs and therapies many of these individuals can battle the disorder and continue on with their lives.

Feel free to reprint this article as long as you keep the article, this caption and author biography in tact with all hyperlinks.

Ryan Fyfe is the owner and operator of Social Anxiety Disorder Treatment -, which is the best site on the internet for all Anxiety related information.

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Using Hypnosis for Job Interview Anxiety

Using Hypnosis for Job Interview Anxiety
By Lyndsay Swinton

For many people, the very thought of a job interview can cause an attack of the nerves: butterflies in the stomach, dry mouth, and weak knees. Sometimes, the thought of a job interview can even trigger a panic attack. If this happens to you, you might be interested in some tips on using hypnosis for job interview anxiety.

If the thought of a job interview makes you nervous, you have what is called anticipatory anxiety, and it is very common. Many people have it over all sorts of situations. You need to try to relax and calm down, and there are several ways to do this.

First, make sure you are completely prepared for the interview, down to the fine detail of knowing exactly how to travel to the interview and contingencies in case of being delayed. Have your clothes picked out, any materials you are bringing ready, and make sure you get a good nights sleep beforehand. Also remember that life goes on after the interview, so try to keep it all in perspective. Even if you don't get the job, you will have learned something worthwhile from the experience which you can improve upon in your next interview.

You should also practice some deep breathing exercises, breathing from the diaphragm and not your chest. This will trigger a relaxation response that will soon become second nature to you - it's called 7-11 breathing. You breath in for a count of 7, and out for a count of 11 and repeat this slow, deep breathing for a few minutes until your body quietens down. This forces your body to move out of the 'fight or flight' state, into a more useful, calmer state.

Now, if you do all of these things and you still feel nervous, you might want to consider using hypnosis for your job interview anxiety. Hypnosis is really no more than a way to get into a deeply relaxed state, during which you are able to access your unconscious mind, where your fears and anxiety are stored. You will be able to replace any negative thoughts you are having about your job interview with positive thoughts. For example, you can practice hearing you talk confidently, and answer tricky questions without being flustered. As a result, you will find that your anxiety over the interview is greatly relieved, and you'll go into your interview with an abundance of energy and confidence you canl give it your best.

Copyright 2006 Lyndsay Swinton

Article by Lyndsay Swinton of 'How Hypnosis Works' This site explains how hypnosis works for all sorts of everyday problems and more unusual human troubles and challenges.

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About Baby's Separation Anxiety

About Baby's Separation Anxiety
By Adwina D. Jackson

How do I feel about my childs separation anxiety? Honestly, its absolutely one of the most delightful feelings I really enjoy as a mom.

I remember when my son was between 8-9 months old. Just like every mother, I couldnt forget those moments.

At that time, he often asked for more attention from me rather than from anybody in the house. No matter where he was or who was holding him, as soon as he saw me, he suddenly cried as if he was asking me to hold him.

When I came close to him, he abruptly opened his arms and looked so happy. His cry stopped in a moment. It was truly an unspoken feeling I had experienced.

But there was also time when he acted differently from what I had expected. When I went for work, I thought he would cry hard to see me leaving him. I hugged him tight and kissed his face again and again.

I told him, Baby, Mommy have to go to work now. Eat and drink a lot, okay? And have a good nap. Ill be back. Love you much. Bubye.

Sometimes he kept looking at me when I said so. I expected him to start weeping. But it didnt happen. I wondered why. I found out later that he was interested with the wheels of the car I traveled in everyday.

Whenever the car started to run, my son always kept his eyes on the wheels. Looking at them spinning must have been very exciting to him. I just smiled, though my heart broke a little. I soothed myself by thinking that it was good for him being curious of strange things.

My son is a baby who has sleeping problem. Throughout the night during his sleep, he often woke up several times. If he woke up and didnt find me nearby, he would cry out loud, making the whole house panic as if something really bad happen.

When I got into the bedroom, he would crawl toward me, and then I hugged him. Hed be calm afterward. Breastfeeding really worked to put him back to sleep.

Thank God I decided to breastfeed him so that I wouldnt be engaged with the rush of preparing formula during the night. Yes, I chose to breastfeed him in nighttimes, even though he still got formula in day times.

Maybe this breastfeeding activity had created the bond between us. I enjoyed it, and still until now. This might also what made my son didnt want to stay away from me.

If your baby or child has the same characteristic as my son has, Im sure you have the same feeling as I do. If you think that your babys cry (for being away from you) annoy you, just remember that it wont last forever.

Separation anxiety is a phase in your childs development during his early years of life. Almost all children go through this experience. What I can suggest you is just enjoy these intimate moments before theyre gone along with your childs growth.

From what Ive heard from my friends about this, youre gonna miss the moments. To me, even now, I really dont want the phase fade away.

Wait, wait. Theres one more thing Id like to share with you, which you may not think will make your child comfortable. I remember my friend told me that if youre going somewhere, dont forget to tell your child that youll be back. Instead of sneaking out of the house, waving your hand and saying that youll be back will soothe him somehow.

About the author: Adwina D. Jackson is a wife and mother of a young boy. She's also the editor of Inspiring Parenting, an online source of valuable parenting information. Please visit Inspiring Parenting for helpful and free parenting info.

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Secured Personal Loan Face Your Rough Phases Of Life With No Anxiety

Secured Personal Loan - Face Your Rough Phases Of Life With No Anxiety
By Clifford Connor

Secured personal loans are designed for your various personal reasons. You might have to go through various hardships in life, if you are not financially sound. Secured personal loan is a great option to grab when financial adversities knock at your door.

A limited resources and unstable economical status often prevents you from purchasing all those commodities, which can make your life comfortable and contented. You are left with no hopes but to give up your necessities and desires. Secured personal loan is therefore an advantage for all meeting all these needs.

Secured personal loan has a basic characteristic, which is offering your any property may be your car or house as collateral with the lender. This is kept as security against the loan money, till the time you dont pay off your entire repayment amount. Besides this you have to bear the risk losing your asset, in case you are not able to make your repayments on time. However low interest rate and long repayment time give you some relief from the risk.

Secured personal loan permits you to borrow a good amount for your personal expenditure because you are keeping your asset at stake. Some of the major purposes of this loan are- home improvement, wedding, excursion, funding education, debt consolidation etc. Secured personal loan is a good option for home owners because they can easily offer their homes as collateral when they are occupied with financial troubles and looking to recover from it. Internet search can prove fruitful for you, it avails you all the information of secured personal loan and its lenders.

About The Author:The author is a business writer specializing in finance and credit products and has written authoritative articles on the finance industry. He has done his masters in Business Administration and is currently assisting Uk-Direct-Loans as a finance specialist.

For more information please visit at:

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Three Shocking Reasons Why You Prevent Yourself From Healing From Anxiety!

Three Shocking Reasons Why You Prevent Yourself From Healing From Anxiety!
By Alexandra Mannock

If you suffer from anxiety, you know exactly how incredibly hard it is to make it go away. Every day you wake up and hope that you can somehow calm down, relax, and get better. You've tried everything from medication to psychotherapy to self-help books...but nothing seems to work!

The sad part is, after all of that exhaustive work you've done to get rid of your stress, you throw your hands up and say, No one can fix me! ...and then you decide that since nothing can be done, you'll simply suffer in silence, go on with life, and cope with this thing called anxiety.

Let me tell you something that will both shock you AND give you incredible relief: You've always had the power to make your anxiety go away for good, but you are blocking yourself from doing this.Yes...You heard me...You are actually preventing yourself from getting cured!

Listen carefully, because you should know that there are three Blocking Behaviors that you are likely engaging in to impede your healing process, and stop you from enjoying a stress-free life. Here they are:

1. Obsessive Negativity

When you are obsessively negative, it means that you have a tendency toward being egative about people, places, situations, and things in your life. Perhaps you find yourself saying things like I can't do this! or No one understands! or Nothing ever works!, for example. You may be doing this unconsciously, but essentially you have what's known as a sour grapes attitude, and it holds you back from knowing what it's like to view life from a positive lens and enjoy the beauty in yourself and people around you! There's a whole world out there for you...with happiness and positive thinking.

2. Obsessive Perfectionism

When you engage in obsessive perfectionism, you are centered on trying to do everything just the point of driving yourself into an anxious state of being. You may find yourself making statements such as, I have to do this right, or I'll be a failure! or If I am not precise, people will be mad at me! Again, this behavior may be totally under the threshold of your awareness, but it interferes greatly with your ability to enjoy things without feeling uptight and stressed.

3. Obsessive Analysis

When you are obsessed about analyzing things, you find yourself wanting to re-hash a task or an issue over and over again. For instance, you might find yourself making statements such as, I need to look this over, study it, and know it inside and out...or else I can't relax! or If I relax and let things go without looking them over repeatedly, things go wrong! While analytical thinking is an excellent trait, if it's done in excess you never get to stop and smell the roses because you're too busy trying to analyze everything and everyone around you. Gaining insight into this type of behavior is one of the most important keys to letting go of stress, and getting complete power over your anxiety.

If you find yourself engaging in any of the above Blocking Behaviors, there are two things you can do to help yourself:

1. Ask the people you know, love, and trust, Am I negative about things?, Do I complain alot?, and Am I difficult to be around?

This may be hard for you to listen to, as the truth sometimes hurts a great deal. But the insight you will get from others' assessment of you is invaluble, and you'll know precisely how others see you. Accept their comments as helpful info, and know that you will gain amazing insights from what you hear.

2 Keep a journal to write down and establish patterns of when you are using locking behaviors.

Even if you are not thrilled with the idea of writing, you can make little entries into a note book or journal each day. The great part is, you'll begin to see patterns in your behavior that reveal exactly what you're doing to prevent yourself from curing your anxiety.

Alexandra Mannock, MA, CAGS is a former psychotherapist who offers a free five-day mini-course revealing untold secrets to cure your anxiety the easy way...without medication. This course is available now at: Alexandra also recently released an amazing new e-book entitled Anxiety Zapper: The Easiest Guide To Having Complete Power Over Your Anxiety! Find out what everyone is raving about at:

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Anxiety and What to Do About It

Anxiety and What to Do About It
By J Shipper

Anxiety Disorders Defined

There are several subgroups of Anxiety Disorders, with different causes and treatement. Anxiety disorders are a serious social and financial concern to American business, since they cost the country more than $42 billion a year in healthcare costs and lost productivity, according to The Economic Burden of Anxiety Disorders, a study published in the Journal of Clinical Psychiatry.

More than $22.84 billion is spent on healthcare services, as those with anxiety disorders seek relief for emotional distress and physical symptoms. Sufferers are 300 to 500 percent more likely to go to the doctor and 600 percent more likely to be hospitalized for psychiatric disorders than non-sufferers.Anxiety disorders are the most common psychiatric illness and affect both children and adults. They develop from an interaction of numerous risk factors, including personality, genetics, brain chemistry, and life stress. Approximately 19 million adult Americans suffer from anxiety disorders. Anxiety disorders are highly treatable, yet only about one-third of those suffering from them receive treatment.

The main feature of Generalized Anxiety Disorder is excessive, unrealistic and uncontrollable worry about everyday events. This constant worry affects daily functioning and brings physical symptoms. GAD can occur with other anxiety disorders, depressive disorders, or substance abuse. It can be misdiagnosed because it lacks some of the dramatic symptoms, such as unprovoked attacks of panic, that are seen with other anxiety disorders. For a diagnosis to be made, uncontrollable worrying occur more days than not for at least 6 months.

The focus of GAD is fluid, shifting unpredictably from job issues, finances, health of both self and family, and smaller issues such as chores, car repairs and being late for appointments. The intensity, duration and frequency of the worry are disproportionate to the issue and interferes with the sufferer's daily life. Physical symptoms can include muscle tension, sweating, gastrointestinal symptoms such as diarrhea and/or nausea, cold and clammy palms, the feeling of having a lump in the throat and difficulty swallowing.Sufferers are irritable and complain about feeling on edge, tire easily tired and have trouble sleeping.

Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder is characterized by persistent, recurring thoughts (obsessions) that reflect exaggerated anxiety or fears; typical obsessions include worry about being contaminated or fears of behaving improperly or acting violently. The obsessions may cause the individual to perform a rituals or routines to relieve the anxiety, such as excessive handwashing, checking appliances, repeating phrases or hoarding.

People with Panic Disorder suffer severe acute attacks of panic for no apparant reason, which may mimic the symptoms of a heart attack or cause them to feel they are losing their minds. Symptoms include heart palpitations, chest pain or discomfort, sweating, trembling, tingling sensations, feeling of choking, fear of dying, fear of losing control, and feelings of unreality. Panic disorder is often accompanied by agoraphobia, in which people are afraid of having a panic attack in a public place, so they become afraid to leave the safety of their controlled home environment.Posttraumatic Stress Disorder can follow a traumatic event such as a sexual or physical assault, witnessing a death, the unexpected death of a loved one, or natural disaster. There are three main symptoms associated with PTSD: eliving of the traumatic event (such as flashbacks and nightmares); avoidance behaviors (such as avoiding places and other reminders related to the trauma) and emotional numbing (detachment from others); and physiological arousal such difficulty sleeping, irritability or poor concentration.

Social Anxiety Disorder is characterized by severe anxiety about being judged by others or behaving in a way that might bring ridicule or embarrassment. This intense anxiety may lead to extreme shyness and avoidance of social situations. Physical symptoms associated with this disorder include faintness, heart palpitations, blushing and profuse sweating.

Anxiety disorders also include Specific Phobias, an intense and unreasonable fear of specific objects or situations, such as spiders, dogs, or heights. The disproportionate level of fear is recognized by the sufferer as being irrational. It can lead to the avoidance of common, everyday situations.Patients often have more than one anxiety disorder, and sometimes other illness as well such as depression or substance abuse.

Treatment of anxiety disorders includes support groups, cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), exposure therapy, anxiety management and relaxation techniques, and psychotherapy. Drugs therapy used to treat anxiety disorders includes benzodiazepines, selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs), tricyclic antidepressants, monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAOIs) and beta-blockers. Often a combination of the two therapies is more useful than one exclusively. Up to 90 percent of patients will show improvement of their symptom from medical treatment.For more information on anxiety and other health topics, visit our websites:

Author is J Shipper who is very interested in anxiety and how to treat it.Check out the website:

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Anxiety Reactions and Techniques to Stop Racing Thoughts

Anxiety Reactions and Techniques to Stop Racing Thoughts
By Jordana Mansbacher

What happens to you when you feel anxious? You may find that you are having heart palpitations, sweaty palms, feel flushed, or are suffering from racing thoughts. You may even think that you are having a heart attack if the anxiety is overwhelming. Many people in my practice ask me how to stop that seemingly un-ending road of fear and panic. It seems as though once you start on that road, it is difficult to pull off it.

This is quite understandable if you understand the biology of anxiety. Anxiety served as a protective purpose for us during the times of the saber-toothed tiger. These animals lived roughly about 33.7 million to 9,000 years ago and were quite deadly to humans. Humans developed an anxiety reaction to these animals to protect them from being eaten. This is known as the fight or flight syndrome and it is a primitive reaction that we have developed to protect us. However, we are no longer in danger of the saber-toothed tiger, but our well developed anxiety reactions are still present. They serve a useful purpose in times of real imminent danger. But many people find that they are suffering from anxiety that is not related to real imminent harm.

Now you ask, How do we stop those racing thoughts and adrenaline-like feelings so that we can stop worrying and be more productive? Well one of the tools you can use is called the thought-stopping technique. It is quite simple and many people laugh when they first hear it, but it really does work.

Imagine a stop sign. It is red and white and has eight sides. In the middle of that octagonal shaped sign is the word STOP. Now imagine that word STOP being said out loud to you by either you or someone else, or printed on a piece of paper right in front of you. Usually you will stop what you are doing or thinking even for a second and wonder, What do I have to stop for?, What is going on? Then you may go back to your racing thoughts or actions you were performing just before you heard or saw the word STOP.

The key here is that you just shut down that cyclical pattern of thoughts even for a second as you pondered the word STOP. As you go back to whatever you were doing just before imagining the word STOP, you are still training yourself to be more in control. What we know about anxiety is that the premise is one of fear. Fear is about feeling out of control of what will happen to us. However, once you employ the thought stopping technique, you were in control of stopping your racing thoughts, even for a second.

The thought stopping technique is as easy as what I described above. It is a way to interrupt your racing thought patterns. Now if you find yourself going back to your intruding thoughts, imagine the word STOP again. Imagine a stop sign or repeat the word out loud over and over. Again, you may find yourself going back to your racing thoughts, but this time you shut that process down for a few seconds. Every time you do this, you are re-training your brain to interrupt the seemingly un-ending cycle of racing thoughts that are creating a lot of your anxiety symptoms.

Thought stopping techniques are very useful tools to help you when you feel that your thoughts are out of control. If you are still struggling with anxiety to the point that you are not being productive in your life, you should have a full psychological and medical evaluation to see if there is another reason for your anxiety. Some people need medications and others need on-going psychotherapy or both.

What ever it is that you choose to do, you need to take back the control in your life and understand that there are some processes that you do have control over. Thought stopping techniques will help you begin to put yourself back on that road of control.

Jordana Mansbacher, LCSW, DCSW, MSW
Jordana Mansbacher is a private practice psychotherapist and life coach in Los Angeles, CA. Her specialties include treating anxiety, eating disorders, relationship issues, issues of aging and depression.

You can contact her through her website:

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Ways to Cope with severe Anxiety Disorder

Ways to Cope with severe Anxiety Disorder
By John Mancini

A severe Anxiety Disorder can lead to very deep depression that may lead to morbid thoughts and possible suicide attempts. These are not a cry for help they are genuine attempts at taking their own life and the patient should be treated carefully. A common mistake when people hear of an Anxiety Disorder is to push people into doing the things that make them the most anxious but this is a mistake. Until professional help can be sought the patient should be allowed to avoid circumstances that will place them under extra pressure. The more exposure to these circumstances the more likely they will develop a severe Anxiety Disorder.

Benzodiazepines are another regularly used medication that is proven to help some sufferers of severe Anxiety Disorder but again there isn't any single one that is proven to work while others don't.

Combing psychiatric assistance with prescribed medication is by far the best solution. Often the drugs only mask the symptoms and the patient can grow immune to their effects so by using a psychiatric program as well the patient will really benefit.

Medication can be prescribed that will help patients who suffer from severe Anxiety Disorder. Most trials have been conducted on monotherapy treatment, which means the use of one drug but often it is necessary to combine more than one drug to get the best effects. Antidepressants are administered although it is very much a case of trial and error as to exactly which one will prove the most effective.

Psychological treatment should be sought from a registered psychiatrist. Finding a professional who has a lot of experience with patients who suffer from severe Anxiety Disorder is the best option. A Psychiatrist will understand the problem perfectly and will help the patient work through their anxiety. Remember, a patient suffering from a severe Anxiety Disorder is unlikely to want to visit a doctor of any sort, but a Psychiatrist with the appropriate experience will know how to overcome this problem.

John Mancini has been writing about Anxiety Disorder online and offline for a long time. Visit or to read more about matters like separation anxiety disorder and panic anxiety disorder.

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Has Your Anxiety Turned You Into A Sleepwalker?

Has Your Anxiety Turned You Into A Sleepwalker?
By Sylvia Dickens

Do you jolt awake in the middle of the night and wonder what just happened?

If youre like me, its probably an anxiety attack that rattles through your sleeping body every now and then. The sensation is not a pleasant one. It takes a few moments for you to collect your thoughts and evaluate the situation. During those seconds, your mind races, your heart pounds and you feel hot.

One of the first things you might think is that you are experiencing a true health issue, a heart attack perhaps.

When these events happened to me recently, I truly did think it was some sort of health breakdown. After a brief review, I realized that whatever was wrong didnt require an ambulance and I was able to go back to uneventful sleep.

The day I awoke to find myself talking and trying to climb up the wall, I realized that stress had taken over my life and my dreams. I knew it was directly associated with the serious issues I had to deal with at that time. Little did I know that it was just the beginning. It wasnt long before they became full-blown anxiety attacks that usually turned into panic. They controlled the way I lived my life for the next five years.

If you have recurring nightmares, it might be an indication that you are also experiencing anxiety. To understand the relationship between anxiety and sleep disruptions, we need to take a look at anxiety itself.

What is anxiety? What causes it?

Anxiety is a state of nervousness or agitation, especially prevalent when we are under extreme stress or are facing a difficult situation in our lives that must be resolved. The more severe or imperative the issue, the more likely it is that we will have some sort of anxiety. It can be mild and cause us to feel tense and edgy, or it can be more dominant and interfere significantly with our lives. When anxiety wakes us at night, its a clear indication that the issue is having a serious effect on us.

Nervousness might be more than just a response to an immediate stressful situation. Researchers have discovered that nervousness is part of the cause of anxiety disorders. They also suggest that these traits run in families, predisposing us to having anxiety as a regular part of our lives. Its the degree of anxiety that determines what steps you must take to minimize or eliminate the anxiety.

A certain degree of anxiety actually is a good thing. Without it, we might not recognize the true seriousness of a given situation, especially ones that could jeopardize our future. This type of anxiety is natural and expected. We wonder whether the new issue can be resolved, how badly it can harm us, and how we must proceed to prevent a disaster.

In many cases, we are able to quickly go beyond the initial anxiety trigger and immediately jump into preservation mode, rather than the fright/flight options that anxiety presents. When we calm down, we can work through the situation rationally, come up with a viable solution or two, and resolve the issue without further distress.

This is not always the case, however. For those of us who are naturally nervous and experience high levels of anxiety, breaking out of the fright/flight response can be more difficult. In such cases, its important to identify any early signs that our anxiety and nervousness are out of control.

If nightmares disturb your sleep, if you wake suddenly in the night, or if you tend to sleepwalk, these are important signs. Other symptoms can include restless legs, insomnia or sleep interference. Researchers have determined that people who experience an interruption in their sleep pattern are likely to see a dramatic increase in this disturbance later on. They also suggest that there is a high correlation between insomnia and anxiety.

Studies have been done that reveal a link between childhood sleep problems and adult anxiety. People who had sleep problems as children are more susceptible to anxiety disorders in early adulthood. I am evidence of that, for as a child I was often found walking around the house or talking in my sleep. I was surprised, however, when those experiences recurred well into my thirties.

This doesnt mean there is no hope for people experiencing sleep disturbances and anxiety. Since anxiety can be directly attributed to the loss of sleep and interruptions during the night, remedying the anxiety likely will kill two birds with one stone.

Finding the right sources that can bring permanent solutions to those anxiety and panic attacks can be a challenge. Fortunately, the internet harbors reams of information to help you. With perseverance and by asking the right people and studying the best information, you can soon see an end to your anxiety.

Youll see many offers of various medications guaranteed to cure you. Youll come across some convincing sales pitches that offer the solution. Theyll even suggest you can be cured overnight. Keep in mind that its taken awhile for your body to develop anxiety and make it a regular part of your life. Its not likely you can eliminate it that quickly.

In my case, I found the cure but it hasnt eliminated anxiety from my life entirely. It taught me how to control it and live through it. The techniques enable me to quickly intercept the anxiety, thereby preventing a cycle of anxiety and panic from setting in. I have anxiety today. I had anxiety a week ago. The important thing is, each attack disappeared within less than a minute because I know what to do and am confident in my ability to overcome them quickly and effectively.

The right program will do the same for you. It might make your anxiety disappear completely, for we are all different, but you can be sure of one thing. It will enable you to live a much more comfortable and confident life, knowing you are in control.


Sylvia Dickens is an award-winning journalist who has struggled and overcome panic and anxiety. Formerly with the Canadian Mental Health Association, she's written, A Guide to Teenage Depression & Suicide and offers a book to cure panic quickly and without medication. You can learn more at

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Get Immediate Relief From Anxiety Disorder And Panic Attacks Using Breathing Techniques

Get Immediate Relief From Anxiety Disorder And Panic Attacks Using Breathing Techniques
By Mike Carlson

Many of the symptoms we feel during an anxiety or panic attack are very real physical reactions by our body, even though the threat may be more a product of our mind than it is a reality.

Throughout my years of learning do conquer my anxiety disorder, I learned that a) there is no instant cure or quick fix and b) no single avenue of treatment alone, such as medications, will be an effective, long term solution.

One of the single most effective ways of reducing the debilitating physical reactions your body has to a perceived threat (which is partly what an anxiety attack is) is to learn deep breathing techniques.

Once you learn to control your breathing, when you feel anxiety attack coming on youll be able to quickly relax and reduce those feelings. Youll quickly feel much better, and what a huge step that will be!

Part of what happens when your mind perceives danger is it shortens up your breathing, producing a lot of the choking, panicking, fast heart beats that you feel.

Its important for you to use these breathing techniques before or right when you feel anxiety coming on. However, start practicing any time you get a chance, at least once a day.

Youll want to practice slow, steady breathing through your nose. To be sure youre doing this technique well; slowly inhale through your nose, while counting to 6. Hold your breath for a second or two, then slowly exhale also while counting to 6, hold for a second or two, and repeat.

Also try and breathe using your stomach and not your chest. To test this, place your hand on your stomach as you breathe, and you should feel it moving slowly up and down with your inhales and exhales.

Now practice this each day, when youre driving to work, or relaxing after work would be great. Allow yourself to relax while doing this. Start using this technique when you start to feel anxiety coming on, or when you know youll be heading into a situation that usually causes a problem with your anxiety disorder, even before you start to feel the symptoms come on!

This is just one of the techniques, when combined with a holistic life approach to anxiety disorders and panic attacks that can allow you to live anxiety free!

It is possible, it can be done, but you have to do it! Start today!

Mike has lived with Anxiety all of his life. He has spent many of those years trying many traditional treatments and searching for new solutions to living anxiety free. By taking some traditional treatments and also Going outside the Box Mike is now living free of fear and living a full life he never thought possible!

Please visit

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A Jungian Psychology Approach To Anxiety

A Jungian Psychology Approach To Anxiety
By John Betts

Anxiety is a very common disorder in todays world, largely due to the fact that we feel hurried, pressured and pushed to perform, pay the mortgage, deal with kids, and on top of all that, live a full life. No wonder we have anxiety. But what is anxiety trying to tell us? From a Jungian Psychology perspective, anxiety is the psyches way of telling us that the way we are living is out of balance. Rather than view anxiety as something to be eliminated, with medication, we need to see that the psyche is giving us a clear message about our one-sided life and is gently asking us to change this. Viewed in this light, anxiety symptoms are there to guide us out of a lifestyle that is no longer working.

Carl Jung argued that anxiety symptoms are purposive, functional and have a goal the alteration of our lifestyle. When we eliminate the symptoms through medication, we deny the wisdom of the psyche in making normal, natural change. Anxiety often appears in mid-life, when many of us experience a mid-life crisis. The first half of life is aimed at establishing our identity, our relationships, our occupation, and building up the necessary resources to accomplish all of these tasks. But, there comes a time when we need to turn inwards, to encounter the contents of the unconscious (often provided to us in the form of dreams) and search out the essential meaning of life. What is my purpose in life? Why am I here? How could I be living a more balanced, natural life? It is anxiety that often propels us towards answering these questions. When next you feel intense anxiety, ask yourself what the psyche is trying to tell you? What is it that I am doing that creates the anxiety, then begin to address the causes of the symptoms, rather than the cure.

If we answer the question what is the anxiety trying to tell me we begin to address the cause. This may mean some change in the way you life your life, but this change does not necessarily mean that you become less competent, or less valued, rather, it means that you begin to value the wisdom of your psyche more than before. By addressing the causes of the anxiety and making lifestyle changes, the anxiety should diminish, having achieved its goal leading you towards a more full, balanced lifestyle.

John Betts is a Diploma Candidate at the International School of Analytical Psychology in Zurich Switzerland. He has a Jungian Analysis practice in Victoria, B.C., Canada.

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Stress Anxiety and Substance Abuse as a Cause of Impairment in Lawyers

Stress, Anxiety, and Substance Abuse as a Cause of Impairment in Lawyers
By L. John Mason

One of every four lawyers suffers from stress, and out of 105 occupations, lawyers rank first in depression. In addition, a disproportionate number of lawyers commit suicide. These are some of the troubling conclusions that can be found in various studies of addiction and depression. Reports Robert Stein, ABA Executive Director, in the June 2005 issue of the ABA Journal.

The costs of stress, alcoholism, and drug abuse is very high for the legal profession. The American Bar Association and all state bar associations have provided lawyer assistance programs that can help to treat impaired lawyers. Most of these programs also address the issues of clinical depression and disorders related to gambling, sex, and eating.

If you do not realize the significance of this troubling situation, consider being represented in your important legal matters by an impaired attorney. It could cost you thousands of dollars or even your freedom if you or your interests are not protected by competent legal professionals. In the state of California, there is a requirement for Continuing Legal Education (CLEs) which includes a minimum of 1 hour every 3 years on stress management or substance abuse for all licensed, practicing lawyers to maintain their license to practice law.

The practice of law is inherently stressful. Much of the time lawyers find themselves battling with other legal professionals for their clients best interests. Trail lawyers must think quickly and communicate with precision and skill in the courtroom. Corporate lawyers must be concerned with legal details that require focused attention and great care. The competition to be successful as an attorney can lead to stress, anxiety, depression, and substance abuse.

People preparing to become attorneys often struggle with stress in law school and in the multi-day testing that is required to pass the bar. The stressful issues that can begin in law school can set up future practicing attorneys for bad habits in coping with the stress and anxiety of the profession. Some law schools offer coursework for life skill management to better prepare their students to be able to perform at the highest level for their clients and for their quality of life.

Because lawyers are trained to be precise and use their cerebral abilities for day to day work, they are often in denial regarding the needs for stress and anxiety management until bad habits are established or symptoms cause significant challenges. Even managing general partners in major law firms have great professional and personal concerns regarding impairment within their organizations. An accidental mistake or oversight can open a law firm to their own costly law suits for malpractice. Many concerned managing partners are requiring that their attorneys practice preventive measures to control stress, anxiety, and depression. This can be found in group trainings, EAPs or individual coaching. Coaching can also offer enhancements to time management, improved communication skills, and long term career planning. An interesting and unexpected benefit to this training and coaching is that this preventive work can actually save lawyers time and energy by helping to minimize the impact of distractions due to stress. This improves performance and can help to increase profitability. Key personnel are important assests and professional coaching or mentoring programs have huge cost benefits.

Everyone, even lawyers, require professional assistance to get through the difficult periods. Lawyers just seem to require more attention as they work to survive, at the highest functioning levels, in the meat grinder of their professional life. Most people who know practicing attorneys know that their attorney family members or friends can benefit from a sense of humor and better stress management. In increasing frequency, law firms are using retreats to help de-compress and then get down to business planning.

More information can be found in the article by Robert Stein at

L. John Mason, Ph.D. is the author of the best selling Guide to Stress Reduction. Since 1977, he has offered Executive Coaching and Training.

Please visit the Stress Education Center's website at Stress, Stress Management, Coaching, and Training for articles, free ezine signup, and learn about the new telecourses that are available. If you would like information or a targeted proposal for training or coaching, please contact us at (360) 593-3833.

If you are looking for training or coaching in stress, anxiety or to improve performance, please investigate the Executive Lawyer Coaching Program. And, please take good care of yourself.

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Goal Setting Anxiety & Panic Disorder

Goal Setting - Anxiety & Panic Disorder
By Joanne King

Are you a smart person?

Some of you maybe thinking I cant be after all I suffer with this yucky horrible anxiety and panic attacks each day of my life.

However I can assure you that you are of high intelligence. It was your ability to over think/over analyze and place so much effort into your anxiety and panic attacks that it became a disorder.

Its your every thought of something that makes you feel anxious or panicky that swings to your next attack.

If you were anything like me I used to inspect my body for any little changes and any little changes must mean it's CANCER or some other terrible disease I managed to Google last night when I was feeling nauseous, shaky and short of breath.

By the way its incredible the amount of horrible diseases you can find for just a few short symptoms typed into your Google browser!

BUT what if you used this energy and time that you give your anxiety and panic disorder and placed the focus on a positive goal you want to achieve?

Say for example you want to earn an extra $5,000 this year whether its for a family holiday or one of them big beefy television sets!!! OR to start a new course, get a degree whatever it is that your heart truly desires.

Now you think about this goal EVERY single DAY! Youre constantly working towards how you can achieve this.

What do you think will happen?

I can tell you what will happen you will gravitate towards your goal. You will *think* less about your anxiety and panic attacks and you will begin to see results!Results that you want!

If you have successfully managed to make your life a living hell with anxiety and panic disorder (because believe me, I know how much energy you put into keeping it alive) just imagine how successful you could be if you placed this same amount of energy into achieving your goals! Achieving the things you truly desire and want!

Its only a matter of time before it becomes a habit so why not make a habit out of achieving your dreams and desires.

Sign up for our free newsletter and discover more techniques on Anxiety DisorderYou can sign up here at:

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Tips to Help You Deal With Your Puppies Separation Anxiety

Tips to Help You Deal With Your Puppies Separation Anxiety
By Suzie Springer

One thing that puppies really hate is separation. If it was up to them they would be by your side at all times. But as much as we wish that they could be, alas they can't go with us everywhere. Puppies that are suffering from separation anxiety have a tendency to chew destructively, soil the house, bark excessively, or act out in other ways that are destructive. The behavior that your puppy exhibits when they are left alone is preformed out spite, its simply the way that puppies deal with their anxiety.

Training your puppy to deal with your absence will give your puppy a sense of identify, and reassurance when you are away from home. However if you do need find that you need help teaching your puppy to deal with his separation anxiety, I would suggest that you get In the meantime here are some tips to help you deal with your puppies behavior.

First of all you should never correct your puppy after the fact. Puppies are unable to connect the correction with their destructive behavior, they will connect it with your arrival, your scolding the puppy will only cause him to be more anxious the next time that you leave him alone.

You should try to avoid overly dramatic hellos and goodbyes. Smothering your puppy with kisses, treats, declarations of devotion will in no way reassure him. Behaving in this manner will only stress him out.

When you are gone it might be a good idea to leave the radio on, this will drowned out any unfamiliar noises that might cause him to get excited. Make sure that you leave a toy out for him to play with. This will give your puppy something to do while you are away.

If you are going to be gone for eight hours or more you should try to find someone to take your puppy for a walk. If its absolute necessary you should puppy proof your house to keep him from destroying it while you are away. Never keep your puppy confined to a small space when you are going to be away from the house for an extended period of time.

When you do walk through the door, avoid giving your puppy the amount of attention that you normally would. This means that you don't want to give into those pet me situation that he is going to put you in as soon as you get home. Showering him with attention when you get home will just make it that much more harder on him the next time that you leave for the entire day. Going from lots of attention to no attention at all can be a very emotional experience for your puppy.

If your puppy is overly anxious there are some drugs that your local veterinarian can prescribe, to alleviate your puppies separation anxiety.

If you would like to learn how to housebreak your puppy, or just you would just like to read more articles about other effective puppy training techniques then you need to visit:

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How Can I Deal With My Shih Tzu's Separation Anxiety?

How Can I Deal With My Shih Tzu's Separation Anxiety?
By Connie Limon

Crating your dog when you leave him alone might seem easier, but it may not be the best approach to keep him out of trouble. And it may even cause your dog to experience more separation anxiety. Crating was developed as a method of housebreaking. If you will spend a modest amount of time training a puppy, they will have many years of satisfying companionship. Caging is fine if used for only a few hours at a time when you can't be there to supervise. Caging should never become a permanent way of life. Excessive caging can lead to problems. Some of the worst behavior problems seen in dogs were dogs that were crated for long periods of time. Some dogs cannot tolerate any time in a cage at all; they panic and fight to get to get out. It is also true that some dogs really do like their cages and find them a cozy refuge, a den to retire in away from the hustle and bustle of everything else. Caging or crating is an acceptable method of housebreaking if used in moderation.

Dogs who chew wildly and scratch walls are not being spiteful. Dogs don't have the intelligence to be spiteful. Shih Tzu especially want nothing more than to spend time with people. They are very sociable and are always quite content to be slab dab in the middle of everything heir people are doing, regardless of what it is. When you are away they sometimes can become anxious and some might even become frantic. So what can you do?

They need help becoming more comfortable when they are alone and they need to learn that you will return after you go out. If possible, devote several consecutive days addressing the problem and plan on more time to reinforce any progress you make. Give your dog attention, but if he decides to walk off and curl up in a corner to sleep, let him be, if he does not follow you when you leave a room, don't encourage him to do so if it is not necessary. You want to teach him to be okay by himself even if it is only in another room.

Start conditioning the dog for your absences. You might exercise the dog so he will be ready for a nap and make sure he has relieved himself. Then, leave him alone in his space. Don't make a big deal about it because you don't want him to think that your leaving him is a big deal. Leave the dog alone for a minute or two while you go elsewhere in the house or into the yard. Do this several times through the first day of conditioning training. If he remains calm, increase the time. Work up to about 10 minutes. If all goes well, do the same the next day. This time, leave and go somewhere else. Take a walk up the street or take a short ride in the car for 5 minutes, then return. When you leave, try to leave him joyously and when you return, try to return with a joyous greeting, so that he associates you leaving and you returning on the same note, something not so bad, but something joyous and that you always return. Work up to 15 minutes, then slowly work up to a couple of hours. Leave and return quietly. You want your dog to learn that leaving and returning is nothing to get tore up about. If you return and the puppy has been destructive do not scold him. he won't know what you are scolding him about and this will only make things worse. His anxiety will increase. If you see destructive behavior, take a step backward, decrease the time you are away and build back up again. If you do not have the time to devote to this conditioning training, then you may have to find a dog sitter to leave your dog with if he is one that becomes anxious or destructive when you are away, at least until you have time to devote to training.

These are just a few tips to help you deal with a shih tzu who truly might have separation anxiety or to prevent separation anxiety from becoming a problem. I hope this helps.

Connie Limon publishes a FREE weekly newsletter. A professional newsletter with a focus upon health and wellness for you and your pets. Coupons for shih tzu puppies and other products are offered to subscribers. Updates of available puppies. Sign up at

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Separation Anxiety Problems in Dogs A Potential Solution

Separation Anxiety Problems in Dogs - A Potential Solution
By Quentin Yu

I had a wonderful dog whose was the sweetest dog on the planet when we were together. It was when we werent together that she did not handle life so well. I would go off to work and come home to a house full of torn papers, an occasional pool of urine, and obvious claw marks in a definite path on the carpet. I began to get complaints from neighbors that my dog howled during the day, and I quickly determined that it was times during which I was off working. It became clear that my sweet dog was terrified to be by herself.

I had rescued her at a flea market pet drive. She wasnt one of the pets at the drive, but someone had brought her, hoping to find a new home for her. Apparently, her previous owner had left town leaving everything behind; his job, his girlfriend, and this sweet dog. Well, I couldnt walk away from her, even if the story wasnt true. She was super well-behaved and delightfully cute! I took her home and things were great for a few days, then I had to go to work.

I consulted my vet and she told me about separation anxiety in dogs. There is loads of material out there on the subject, but not much of it told me exactly how to handle the situation. What ended up working was so simple that I was super pleased and ecstatic about how grand the whole thing turned out. Basically, I got a train-your-dog-at-home course and bonded with her while at the same time increased her discipline and self confidence. That was it. The course worked great and she never had any more anxiety attacks of which I knew.

The course that I worked through included both great instruction for me as well as my dog. What did I need to learn? Body language, dog psychology, and many other related factors contribute to separation anxiety and are just as much of the problem as the results of the anxiety that you find on the floor of your home when you come back from work. The good news is that learning how to bond and work with your dog is the key to reducing the anxiety.

I found that there are several of these programs available online. I dug around and found about ten, but I have to admit that only two or three seemed to be courses that would reduce anxiety in pets. I have actually reviewed the ones that I liked the most on my blog site listed below - the Dove Cresswell package, the Sit-Stay-Fetch package, and another that claims to have super fast results of only one evenings work. I am skeptical about the latter one, but I have heard good things about it. I recommend talking with your vet and seeing what they say about the idea. I conversed with my vet about it and she did not seem in the least bit surprised. Instead she seemed to think that she should have thought of it before!

If you have a pet that suffers from separation anxiety problems, I suggest that you and your vet look into the possibility of incorporating a train-at-home course (online or otherwise) for you and your dog.

I hope you found my article helpful. If you like please visit my blog and read more about the online programs that I feel are most likely to assist reducing behavioral problems such as separation anxiety in dogs.

Sadly, my dog died of urinary tract cancer recently. She was ten years old. She lived a full and happy, non-anxious life. This article is dedicated to her. May she rest in peace.

Quentin Yu
Honolulu, HI

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Chair Yoga Case Study Reduced Anxiety and Blood Pressure

Chair Yoga Case Study - Reduced Anxiety and Blood Pressure
By Mark Franklin

After teaching chair yoga for several years Liz Franklin can testify that it appropriate for almost anyone, even if they are feeling the effects of aging or have physical limitations. It is not for hard-bodied 20-somethings that can twist themselves into poses that look impossible the only prerequisite is that you can sit in a chair, including a wheelchair.

What better way to illustrate how chair yoga has benefited those unable to attend a traditional yoga class than to tell it in their own words?

Hi! Im Penny Hoober. Im proudly 64 years old, a mother and a grandmother. Ive been working part-time at my church for 20 years. Ive been married to a wonderful man for 38 years. I have been doing chair yoga since June of 2005.

I had a stroke and my neurologist suggested practicing yoga. I called three yoga studios, and when they heard I was post stroke they did not want me to attend classes there. My daughter kept researching and found Liz chair yoga class. She called Liz and after a nice conversation, I went to my first class. I was looking for more balance in my life and help with severe anxiety and other health issues, including high blood pressure.

At first I was somewhat skeptical, but I kept coming to class and after 6 weeks I began to notice subtle shifts and benefits. Now if I am unable to attend class I really miss it. My anxiety kicks in and my depression worsens. The classes have become a social time for me and I have made some wonderful new friends. My Monday class is a great way to start my week and keeps me going for the rest of my week. All the other students are non-judgmental and it is wonderful knowing that they are all dealing with their own health issues.

I have made incredible strides in lowering my blood pressure. I went from readings of 190/120 to 115/62. My doctor was shocked and amazed. I have found ways to incorporate brief yoga breaks into my life. I do little bites of yoga all day long. Just dropping my tongue to the bottom of my mouth makes such a big difference in how I feel, both physically and mentally. I dont make time to do an entire hour of yoga on my own, but the small things Liz suggests that we do during the day have made a big difference in my life.

I really enjoy the way Liz keeps the classes interesting by mixing things up. The classes are not monotonous and she is very sensitive to the needs and mood of her students. This program really does help your mind and body. It brings balance to your life but you do have to work at it.

Yoga has now become a part of my daily life and I find myself incorporating more and more each month. The release of tension makes such a big difference in my life. If you are thinking about joining a class or purchasing the videos, give it a try not just once but several times and you will be hooked on chair yoga!

Mark Franklin enjoys telling people about Liz Franklin's Yoga In Chairs(r) because he knows it is helping people live healthier, happier, and longer lives. If you want to find out about her special style of chair yoga, visit

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Taming Trouble Four Easy Ways to Contain Stress and Anxiety

Taming Trouble - Four Easy Ways to Contain Stress and Anxiety
By Ananga Sivyer

Life doesn't always go as planned. Stuff happens, and things can soon build into the proverbial mountains from molehills if we let them. Here are some pointers for keeping buoyant in the face of adversity.

1.Get Some Perspective

When problems occur, be specific about them. Speak with someone you know can help you be calm and objective, or take a few minutes to write your thoughts in a journal; anything to get them outside your head for some objective review can really help.

2.Put Negative Events in Quarantine

Keep them separate and don't let them spread. Negative events can be highly contagious! They have the ability to turn everything around them negative too, given half the chance. Don't let them. Put them in isolation and make sure they stay there.

Here's an example: Sally had some friends over for dinner; she spent ages planning, shopping and cooking. The meal was great, and everyone was happy and impressed with her efforts, but when it came to serving dessert, she dropped it all over the table splat!

Here's where quarantining comes in very handy. The dessert incident could have ruined everything, but why should it? Everything else had been fine. Is it appropriate to let one incident get retrospective power over everything that had happened before?

Sally was disappointed and upset for a moment, then she shrugged and said, Grab a spoon! and everyone ate the desert from the table right where it had landed. The mess got cleaned up and everyone had fun.

3.Play with Time

Will it matter in a week, a month, or a year? If not, let it go, why wait to feel better about it. If you can do it then, why not do it now?

4.Don't Let it Get Personal

Whenever you can don't let it be about you. If two drivers honk their horns at you on the way to work, it doesn't necessarily mean you are a bad driver, and it certainly doesn't have to be a bad omen for your day unless you let it. Keep in mind all your smooth and honk free journeys and let them balance things out for you.

The Dangers of Drama

There's a Chinese proverb that says: You can't prevent the birds of sorrow from flying over your head, but you can prevent them from building nests in your hair.

When we allow the little things to mushroom and unfold into a drama, we are inviting unnecessary stress and emotional suffering for ourselves, and for those around us.

Keeping problems contained and in perspective saves us from getting stressed and helps us find solutions from a calm and clear point of view.

Ananga Sivyer is a health writer for LifeScape magazine and author of the self-help workbook: The Art & Science of Emotional Freedom Sign up for her ezine today, and get a FREE COPY of her Energy Balance e-book.

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What Causes an Anxiety Disorder?

What Causes an Anxiety Disorder?
By Deanne Repich

And which of these causes do I have control over?

Here are answers to these important questions.

What Causes an Anxiety Disorder?

There are several factors that can contribute to an anxiety disorder. An anxiety disorder is caused by a combination of several of these factors working together over a period of time. Usually one factor alone does not result in an anxiety disorder.

Several of the contributing factors are:

-- Biological Factors
-- Stress Overload/Lifestyle Factors
-- Childhood Environment
-- Thought Patterns
-- Genetic Factors

Biological Factors

We all have an inborn fight or flight response designed to protect us from harm. When our survival is threatened, the fight or flight response creates physical and sychological changes that encourage us to act and protect our survival. These changes include rapid heartbeat, muscle tension, shallow breathing, and more.

People suffering from anxiety disorders often have a physical overreaction to stress. This overreaction occurs because your body perceives everyday events and situations as threats to survival. In an effort to protect you, your body triggers the fight or flight response even though no real danger exists.

There is some indication that an overreaction to stress is caused by a chemical imbalance in the brain. However, we don't know what initially causes this chemical imbalance.

It has not been proven which occurs first - the overreaction to stress that causes the chemical imbalance, or the chemical imbalance that causes the overreaction to stress.

Can I change it?: Yes. What's important to realize is that if you overreact to stress, you can learn to change it, no matter how it began. You can learn deep breathing techniques, relaxation techniques, and techniques such as the Anxiety Pyramid (all included in our course) to train your body to react more calmly.

Stress Overload/Lifestyle Factors

When you experience excessive stress over time, your body can trigger the fight or flight response and start to react to daily events as if they were dangers. Poor lifestyle habits such as overwork, lack of sleep, poor diet, and lack of regular exercise can cause unnecessary stress and promote anxiety.

Let's look at an example of how stress overload and lifestyle factors can contribute to anxiety. Donna works 70 hours a week for several years. This puts excessive stress on Donna's body. To make matters worse, Donna is so busy working that she only manages to get five or six hours of sleep a night, she doesn't exercise regularly, and she eats mainly fast food. She can't remember the last time she took time out for herself.

Do you see how Donna's lifestyle creates stress in her life and produces a negative snowball effect? Over time Donna's body starts perceiving these constant stressors as a threat to her survival. Her body eventually gets urned out from repeated unnecessary stress reactions. It is on a constant state of alert - contributing to the physical and mental symptoms of anxiety.

Can I change it?: Yes. You have the power to reduce or eliminate many of the stressors in your life. You do this by integrating healthy lifestyle habits - by making choices that promote calmness, self-care, and a balanced lifestyle. For example, sleep eight hours a night instead of six. Eat well-balanced, healthy meals. Work 40-50 hours a week instead of 70, and so on.

You can also learn to view stressors in a less anxious way so your body does not overreact to stressors when they occur.

Childhood Environment

Your childhood environment affects how you think and act as an adult. Even though the adults around you meant well, as a child you may have learned habits and beliefs that contribute to anxiety.

For example, you may not have been taught to have a sense of control over your world. You may have been expected to achieve as a way of gaining love and acceptance.

You may have been taught all or nothing thinking or were not allowed to freely express your feelings or opinions. You may have grown up in an environment that was not physically or emotionally safe. You may have been frequently judged or criticized. Or you may have grown up watching and modeling adults around you that reacted to life in an anxious way.

Can I change it?: Yes. No matter what your childhood environment was, you can change the anxiety-producing thought patterns and habits you learned then through knowledge and practice.

Thought Patterns

How you think affects how you view the world and how you react to stress. Negative thought patterns like what-if thinking, perfectionism, all or nothing thinking, and victim talk can contribute to an anxiety disorder. In fact, negative thoughts can actually create physical symptoms in your body.

Can I change it?: Yes. Research shows that you have the power to change your thoughts, which can in turn affect how you physically and mentally feel. Through healther thoughts, you can learn to view the world in a less anxious way and feel better.

How do you change your thoughts? By using the three Rs we discussed in the last newsletter: Recognize, Replace, and Reinforce.

Genetic Factors

Research shows that panic disorder and obsessive-compulsive disorder tend to run in families. Although there is some debate, it appears that part of this family tendency is due to how you're brought up (environment) and part is due to genetics. There is some indication that genetic factors are also involved in social anxiety.

Can I change it?: No. We cannot change our genes. That's the bad news. Now here's the good news. You can positively change all of the other factors we discussed that contribute to anxiety.

And like we mentioned earlier, usually one factor alone does not result in an anxiety disorder. This is exciting news! It means that if you learn to successfully address the other factors that contribute to anxiety, you can conquer your anxiety in spite of genetic factors.

Note: If you would like to learn skills to change howyou react to stress, reduce the stress in your life, learnanxiety-fighting lifestyle habits, and change your anxiousthought patterns and behaviors, try our Conquer YourAnxiety Success Program, available at:

Deanne Repich, founder and director of the National Institute of Anxiety and Stress, Inc., is an internationally known anxiety educator, teacher, author, and former sufferer. Tens of thousands of anxiety sufferers have sought her expertise to help them reclaim their lives from anxiety, stress, anxiety disorders, panic attacks, anxiety attacks and social anxiety. She is the creator of the Conquer Anxiety Success Program, author of more than fifty articles, and publishes the Anxiety-Free Living printed Newsletter for anxiety sufferers. She has a free e-book Anxiety Tips: Seven Keys to Overcoming Anxiety you can download immediately when you visit her

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Public Speaking Anxiety: 4 Ways To Control It

Public Speaking Anxiety: 4 Ways To Control It
By Michael A. Jones

Calls for Speech, Speech can send many men and women into panic and fear. Others may be given an assignment to present information before a group and feel overwhelmed by public speaking anxiety in the run up to the presentation.

The 4 key suggestions here will do much alleviate the problem and assist anyone to control and overcome public speaking anxiety:

1. Thorough Preparation

The biggest antidote to audience fear? Thorough preparation! There is no short-cut.

If you have carefully researched your material so you are convinced it is worth delivering, and you firmly believe your audience needs to hear it, and you have practiced and practiced the delivery, you can stand up in front of an audience with confidence!

2. Breathing

Control nervousness by taking deep breaths to relax the body. Concentrate on your message and the things you have prepared to present to your audience rather than on your nervousness.

Use positive speech, even in your own thoughts. Instead of saying to yourself, Boy, do I feel nervous, which only reinforces the feeling, say, My adrenaline is pumping and I'm going to use it to deliver an unforgettable presentation!

3. Confidence Visualized

To increase confidence and combat uncertainty use visualization techniques. These can be VERY effective.

Running through the whole presentation including the approach to the speaker's stand, the initial pause, the first few sentences, over and over again in your mind, will create great confidence.

4. End Result Visualization

Include the end result in your visualization exercise.

See yourself having successfully concluded an excellent presentation with the applause of the audience in your ears. See the smiles, hear the compliments afterwards and make them real in your mind.

In a TV interview, Mohammed Ali once explained how he prepared for a fight. He would concentrate his mind on imagining actually being there in the ring, in the stadium, at the venue. He would see himself there at the end of the fight, victorious.

He created a very real scene in his mind with the smells, feelings, sounds, sights, he expected to experience at that moment. He used the phrase 'Future History' to describe what he created in his mind.

Why not create a 'Future History' for yourself before your next presentation and see how it triggers the necessary energy to overcome any feelings of self-doubt.

It may be unrealistic for some individuals to think they will conquer public speaking anxiety completely. Perhaps some public speakers with many years experience can walk in front of an audience without any nervousness at all.

For the majority however, who may only be called on occasionally to speak before a group or an audience, there will always be some anxiety. A realistic expectation regarding public speaking anxiety and following the suggestions above can however do much to control it so it does not overwhelm the speaker.

Michael has compiled an inexpensive coaching manual complete with Analysis Questionnaire:

Michael has also personally benefited from this Public Speaking Course ranked No. 1:

For personal development listen to The Program Of Presidents:

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7 Strategies to Overcoming Anxiety and Panic Attacks

7 Strategies to Overcoming Anxiety and Panic Attacks
By Glenda Thomas

You Can Overcome panic attacks and anxiety!

That is great news to those who suffer day in and day out, year in and year out. I have and I know that you can too.

For me it started with heart palpitations. My thoughts immediately steered to fear. Then my throat would become dry so I could not swallow. Then my body would feel weird. Dizziness and blurred vision. By this time I was convinced that I was about to die. I kept waiting for the symptoms to get worse and they did. I use to suffer from panic attacks so badly that I had to go to the hospital by ambulance. I was so embarrassed when the doctor checked me and told me that there was nothing wrong with me. When I had to go grocery shopping I would get a funny feeling in my stomach before I left the house. Once I got inside the grocery store I felt like I had to run out or else I would become overwhelmed. I dreaded the thought that I might have a panic attack in public. I had to talk to myself and prayed up and down each and every aisle of the store. I knew that if I ran out, my family would not have food and I would have to start all over again. The people in the store had no idea the personal torture I was experiencing. People at church had no idea how hard it was to sit in a large crowd.

AWARENESS When the symptoms first started, I had no idea what was happening to me. One day I was watching T.V. and some people were on a show talking about the symptoms and the light went on, That's me! That's what I have been going through. That was the beginning of my healing! Knowledge is power. I thank God that He allowed me to turn to the channel and hear those people talking. I also helped me to know that I was not alone. I suppose that those of you who suffer from the effects of anxiety are glad to hear that you are not alone.

Steps to Overcoming

1) READ Read as much as possible about anxiety and understand what are some of the causes. (Email me for link to books).

2)PROFESSIONAL HELP Go to a counselor or therapist to get to the bottom of the anxiety. The physical discomforts are trying to get your attention - Pay attention to a greater dis-ease within. Pray for God to send you to the right person. He will.

3)RELAXATION Listen to a tape or CD for RELAXATION This was one of the things that helped me tremendously. I needed to reprogram my mind with positive and true statements that were life giving and empowering. Click below for CD's and cassette tapes to help you overcome anxiety and panic attacks. Breathing correctly is a part of relaxation.

4) EXERCISE Physical excercise has tremendous value. It releases chemicals that generate good feelings, called pheromones. It's good to feel good!

5) HEALING IN GOD'S WORD Meditate on scriptures that enhance your trust in God. One scripture that helps me when I really let it sink in is: Matthew 5:25-34. Am I not more than a bird to God? You better believe it and so are you! Birds don't work or store up food yet God takes care of them. Wow! The next time you see a bird think about that!

6) MAP YOUR JOURNEY Create a time line by drawing on a sheet of paper when your first signs of discomfort started. Write down what major events happened at that same time. Note the year/date. Go back as far as you can. This process helps you to take a bird's eye view of your life. When I did this exercise, I found that the first time I experienced a full panic attack was in 1984 and I had just made a major move from someone very dear to me. I also discovered that there agoraphobia before any panic attack ever appeared. Do this it will help you understand what has been going on and what triggers extreme anxiety. (You may need to use than one piece of paper).

7)God's Power to Heal
Remember,God still heals. We must let go of all the passed disappointments, and betrayals. God is not like any human being with whom we have had a relationship. God faithful and just. Jesus walked this earth so you can talk to Him about yours trials. Pray as the early disciples did, Lord, increase my faith. FAITH is the opposite of anxiety. Faith not only pleases God but keeps us trusting in God's fatherly care. I am a witness!! Praise God!

If just one person is helped by this article, I will have accomplished what God set me out to do -Help someone along our earthly journey.

Pray for me. I will pray for you.

Glenda M. Thomas, Editor of Sister 2 Sister Newsletter

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Relaxing Away Stress and Anxiety

Relaxing Away Stress and Anxiety
By George Zgourides

Applied relaxation is now considered an established and powerful therapy for stress, anxiety, phobias, and panic. In many cases, applied relaxation can be just as effective as therapy and even medications for reducing stress, and can bring about significant improvements in nearly everyone who practices it on a regular basis.

The gold standard of applied relaxation is known as progressive muscle relaxation, a procedure that involves the sequential contracting and relaxing of all major muscle groups in your body. The goal is to help you achieve a feeling of physical and mental calm. You start with your forehead and facial muscles - tensing these groups for a few seconds and then relaxing them. You move down your body from your neck and shoulders to your shoulder blades, upper back, arms, hands, lower back, legs, and finally your feet. By the time youve finished an entire sequence, you should be enjoying a general sense of well-being.

Deep breathing exercises are another easy way to relax your body. Most of us tend to fill only the upper part of our lungs when we breathe. Notice how an infants abdomen rises and falls with each breath. Now thats true deep breathing!

By using deep breathing exercises, you can quickly relax and potentially improve your circulation, better oxygenate your blood, strengthen your lungs, relieve tension, and improve your mental alertness. Try this short deep breathing exercise:

1) Sit or lie down in a quiet place where you wont be disturbed for several minutes.
2) Recall some good, positive feelings.
3) Close your mouth and relax all of your muscles.
4) Slowly and deeply inhale through your nose (not your mouth) to a count of six or eight. As you do this, consciously push out your abdomen.
5) Hold your breath to a count of four.
6) Slowly breath out through your mouth (not your nose) to a count of six or eight.
7) Continue to repeat this inhale-hold-exhale cycle until you achieve maximum relaxation.

Another of my favorites involves rapid relaxation, in which you use anxiety-triggering thoughts as a cue to bring on an immediate state of relaxation. When you find your anxiety or stress levels rising, take a couple of deep breaths, say the word relax, and exhale. The idea is to perform rapid relaxation while mentally scanning your body for tension and trying to relax all of your muscles as much as possible.

Setting aside time to relax and center yourself, while not always easy in our modern world, can be of great value when it comes to managing your stress and anxiety levels.

George D. Zgourides, M.D., Psy.D is a physician, clinical psychologist, and healthcare chaplain. He and his wife Christie are the authors of several books dealing with various health-related and self-help topics.

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5 Tips to Manage Stress and Anxiety

5 Tips to Manage Stress and Anxiety
By Parijat Wismer

Stress is a huge factor in loss of vitality. You will agefaster and slowly loose your energy, if you dont knowhow to respond to stress creatively.

Physical Symptoms of stress and anxiety include:
rapid breathing
increased heart beat
feeling sick in the stomach
sudden diarrhea and urinary frequency
inability to think

Emotional Symptoms of stress and anxiety include:
anger and irritability
apathy, indifference, giving up
inability to focus
becoming forgetful

Behavioural Symptoms of stress and anxiety include:
reaching for addictive substances
withdrawing from friends
taking self-prescribed medications

Many physiological changes take place in response of thebodys need to prepare for fight or flight.We have acute or prolonged stress symptoms and the actionwe need to take may change depending on what causes theproblem.

Stress Management Tips

Tip One

ESR, or Emotional Stress Release is a Kinesiology techniqueyou can use anytime you feel stressed.

Place your hand gently on your forehead. You will covermost of your forehead above the eyes with one or both hands.Feel energy and warmth in your forehead. Consciously deciding to go forebrain allows energy andcirculation to come back to the frontal area where you areable to think.

Your hand is always with you. Put it to your foreheadwhenever you feel stressed and you will be surprised at thecreative solutions that pop up. Youll be calmer and muchmore able to be in charge of what you say and do. Yourrelationships will improve and you will become moreeffective in your life.

Tip Two

Place your hand over your heart area, breathe gently intothe area of your heart. Breathe for at least 5 fullbreaths. Imagine a soft warm feeling, you can give it a colour, andlet it grow and expand. Remember a time when you were kind to someone else or toyourself.Spend a moment to ask your heart if there is anything tounderstand that you didnt see or feel before. Ask How can I respond to this challenge and help createthe best possible outcome? What if I base my response on myability to love and be kind?

Tip Number 3

Breathe deeply and fully for 5 breaths and then slow downyour breathing. Your brain is fooled into believing that the danger is overand it allows you to get back to life in the present.Imagine a positive outcome or see yourself responding tothe challenge with positive action and understanding. Askyourself: If I tune into my inner wisdom, what message isit giving to me?

Tip Number 4

Move! Run, jump, dance, exercise. You are using up thestress chemicals which have been released into your bloodstream. This improves mood and sleep and reduces stress andanxiety.

Stress Management Tip for Prolonged Stress and Anxiety

Tip Number 5

The minerals Calcium and Magnesium are also known as theLullaby Minerals.They feed the nervous system and especially help us copewith anxiety.They help calm the nerves and the heart beat.I recommend Calcium/Magnesium from food sources. Myfavorite is made from egg shells and can be chewed.

Parijat has worked for 20 years as a Kinesiologist helping people regain their vitality on a one-on-one basis. Taking positive action early, before a lot of illness symptoms appear, makes so much more sense than patching things up later. Some people don't realize how precious their health is until they loose it. I am inspired to assist people in taking positive action.

Parijat is a registered Herbalist, Kinesiologist, Instructor, Faculty member for the International College of Professional Kinesiology Practice(ICPKP), Facilitator for Emotional Healing and Vitality Coach. She is the person to turn your life around!

Take an expert's path towards finding your personal light and freedom and get the information you need to remain amazingly vital after forty! Visit and receive the free fortnightly ezine free (valued @ $207)

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Techniques To Help Relieve Anxiety

Techniques To Help Relieve Anxiety
By Michael Russell

An anxiety disorder may be an outcome from a mixture of causes. Some people are genetically inclined to developing it, while others may have experienced stressful life events, such as a move, a job change, the loss of a loved one, or a divorce, which can trigger the anxiety.

The person with an anxiety disorder may develop a sense of fear for no obvious reason. Their body may exhibit trembling, sweating, nausea and utterflies in the stomach. Stress is your body's response to change. Exercise helps your body relieve stress. It also will make your body stronger to be able to handle stress. The best type of exercise for improving the way your body reacts to anxiety is aerobics. People with anxiety disorders worry that aerobic exercise will bring on a panic attack. You may feel a panic attack is starting when your heart rate intensifies and you begin to sweat. Start gradually. Taking a walk a little bit every day is a good beginning.

Learning to become relaxed is a great method of conquering anxiety. If you learn how to relax your body, your mind is quick to follow. Muscle relaxation is one kind of relaxation that will give you results. You thoroughly tense each muscle group in your body, holding the tension for about ten seconds and then releasing the tension for another ten seconds. Practice relaxation exercises once a day. You will begin to feel more relaxed when you practice relaxation exercises every day.

There are dietary changes you may make to assist your body to deal with stress. Eliminating caffeine is helpful to combat anxiety. Caffeine is a stimulant that can leave you feeling nervous. It can make your body react as it would to stress. Caffeine may also cause panic attacks. Gradually eliminate caffeine as you may experience withdrawal symptoms if you stop too rapidly. Nicotine is another stimulant to avoid. Nicotine can create an effect like caffeine but quitting may cause an initial boost in anxiety and stress. Consuming a healthy diet will make you stronger. You'll be amazed at how much better you feel and how much better you may cope with stress when you're sticking to a well-balanced diet.

Work on negative thinking and try to think more positive thoughts. If you put yourself down a lot; feel angry much of the time and usually never have a single positive thought in your head, you most likely won't be able to manage stress very well. Don't take yourself so seriously and laugh more. Laughter may release stress and make you feel better. Do things you enjoy more to make yourself relax.

Seeing a therapist and finding a supportive group of people to help deal with your anxiety can be useful. Overcoming anxiety alone can be overwhelming. Seeking anxiety support groups and a good doctor is a great way to cope with anxiety. Don't forget to eat right, laugh more and stay positive. You may be on your way to being less stressed and happier.

Michael RussellYour Independent guide to Anxiety

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What Help For Those With Anxiety Problems?

What Help For Those With Anxiety Problems?
By Jay Miller

Social phobia, also called social anxiety disorder, involves overwhelming anxiety and excessive self-consciousness in everyday social situations. People with social phobia have a persistent, intense, and chronic fear of being watched and judged by others and being embarrassed or humiliated by their own actions. Their fear may be so severe that it interferes with work or school, and other ordinary activities. While many people with social phobia recognize that their fear of being around people may be excessive or unreasonable, they are unable to overcome it. They often worry for days or weeks in advance of a dreaded situation.

Social phobia can be limited to only one type of situationsuch as a fear of speaking in formal or informal situations, or eating, drinking, or writing in front of othersor, in its most severe form, may be so broad that a person experiences symptoms almost anytime they are around other people. Social phobia can be very debilitatingit may even keep people from going to work or school on some days. Many people with this illness have a hard time making and keeping friends.

Physical symptoms often accompany the intense anxiety of social phobia and include blushing, profuse sweating, trembling, nausea, and difficulty talking. If you suffer from social phobia, you may be painfully embarrassed by these symptoms and feel as though all eyes are focused on you. You may be afraid of being with people other than your family.

People with social phobia are aware that their feelings are irrational. Even if they manage to confront what they fear, they usually feel very anxious beforehand and are intensely uncomfortable throughout. Afterward, the unpleasant feelings may linger, as they worry about how they may have been judged or what others may have thought or observed about them.

Social phobia affects about 5.3 million adult Americans. Women and men are equally likely to develop social phobia. The disorder usually begins in childhood or early adolescence, and there is some evidence that genetic factors are involved. Social phobia often co-occurs with other anxiety disorders or depression. Substance abuse or dependence may develop in individuals who attempt to self-medicate their social phobia by drinking or using drugs. Social phobia can be treated successfully with carefully targeted psychotherapy or medications.

Many people with anxiety disorders benefit from joining a self-help group and sharing their problems and achievements with others. Talking with trusted friends or a trusted member of the clergy can also be very helpful, although not a substitute for mental health care. Participating in an Internet chat room may also be of value in sharing concerns and decreasing a sense of isolation, but any advice received should be viewed with caution.

To read the rest of this article please visit our website at Here you will also find helpful articles on mental health disorders that affect millions of people today.

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Anxiety Negative Self Talk

Anxiety - Negative Self Talk
By Thomas Chant

Anxiety is a response which is innate in every healthy human being. We will all step back from the edge of a precipice, or jump when we hear a loud bang. Some of us however are more prone to anxiety than others, and controlling or curing anxiety relies upon understanding what anxious people do differently. Eastern philosophies have long known the importance of how one views one's environment. There is the age old tail of two travellers approaching a mountain range. The first traveller, looking forward to reaching his destination and relishing the new sites and sounds, sees the peeks reaching to the sky and views them as nature's gems, a site to behold. The second traveller, homesick, weary and loathe to reach his destination, views the very same peaks, from the very same angle, but thinks of them as the teeth of the entrance to hell.

The moral of this slightly melodramatic tale is that our environment is what we perceive it to be. We think something is dangerous only because, either consciously or unconsciously, we tell ourselves that it is. The process goes something like this:

Events ----> Our interpretation ----> Negative self talk ----> Negative emotions and reactions

Why we tell our selves that a certain situation is dangerous is another matter, we have learned to do that in the past and the cause is not necessarily important now. The important thing is that we stop this negative self talk.

At this point it becomes necessary to accept that both the cause and solution to your anxiety issues lie inside you. It's easier to blame it on brain chemistry imbalance, genetic weakness, and all sorts of other matters outside your control, but the simple truth is that by accepting responsibility today you can set in motion a very profound healing process.

Negative self talk doesn't just effect people with anxiety and panic attacks, it also effects those people who are constantly worried, too stressed, can't relax, or get depressed.

Negative self talk often starts with what if... type questions or self limiting statements like I can't do that, or I can't cope.

The traditional way of counteracting these negative thoughts is through cognitive therapy. You capture the thought and argue it out, either in your mind or on paper. For example:

What if the elevator gets stuck?
I won't be able to cope, I'll go mad and may die, I'll faint, people will think I have a problem.

Is that true? Let's examine the evidence.
You have always coped in the past and will again in the future, panic can't make you mad as nasty as it feels and neither can it kill you. Neither does it often make you faint as your blood pressure goes a bit higher, not lower. Lots of people fear getting stuck in a lift, no body would think you were weird. But here's the big news: the lift is the safest form of transport, the chances of it getting stuck are thousands to one.

This kind of reaction can often lessen the impact of the negative self talk and open up new choices. It is a great first line of defence, but other methods exist which will banish the negative self talk, instead of merely keeping it at bay. The problem with cognitive therapy is that it sticks to conscious, surface thoughts. I would recommend doing cognitive therapy but supplementing it with something like the Sedona Method, which gets deeper into the issue and bridges the gap between psychoanalysis and cognitive therapy.

http://www.anxiety2calm.comAnxiety 2 Calm looks at various techniques to overcome anxiety, panic attacks, phobia and stagnation. It includes sections on the Sedona Method, EMDR, and much more. All information is free and there is also a blog and a forum and many more interactive features. Feedback on experiences with medication and those expensive programmes and CD courses that are always advertised is useful to help others who are in a similar predicament to yourself or your loved one.

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