Anxiety Disorder and Anxiety Attack Information - Different Types of Anxiety Disorders Part 1

There are more than one type of anxiety disorder. It is important to have the correct diagnosis so that you can get the appropriate treatment.

The various kinds of anxiety disorder include:

1) Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
2) Panic Disorder
3) Social Phobia
4) Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
5) Generalized Anxiety Disorder
6) Specific Phobia

In this article, we will focus our discussion on Obsessive Compulsive Disorder.

What is Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)?

Generally, people with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder always engage in certain rituals in order to control their anxieties that are produced by their thoughts.

Perhaps, it will be much clearer to illustrate with an example. John suffers from OCD. He is always worried about hurting another person. He always wonders whether he has hit anyone while driving. So he always drive back to the same place to ensure that there was no accident happening.

He may know that his thought is not rational. In fact, he may know that he did not hit anyone. But his just can't control his thoughts. Just by thinking about it, he gets anxious. The only way to relive his anxiety is to drive back to the same spot to see if there is any accident.

Different OCD sufferers are obsessed with different kind of thoughts and rituals. What is described above is just one example of OCD.

It is said that around 2.2 million Americans are affected by Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. Both men and women can be affected by OCD. It is more common for people from their childhood to early adulthood. The risk is higher if there are family members who also suffer from OCD.

Looking for anxiety attack information?

One of the biggest problems that people face is the vicious cycle of the "Fear of Having another Panic or Anxiety Attack". Fortunately, it is possible to break this cycle.

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Anxiety Disorder and Anxiety Attack Information - Different Types of Anxiety Disorders Part 2

There are more than one type of anxiety disorder. It is important to have the correct diagnosis so that you can get the appropriate treatment.

The various kinds of anxiety disorder include:

1) Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
2) Panic Disorder
3) Social Phobia
4) Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
5) Generalized Anxiety Disorder
6) Specific Phobia

In this article, we will focus our discussion on panic disorder.

What is Panic Disorder?

Do you or your friend suffer from the following? A brief attack that is so intense that you start to shake and tremble. After the attack, you have difficulty breathing and you feel dizzy. The attack can last up to 10 minutes, sometimes less.

If you or your friend do suffer from the symptoms describe above, it may be panic disorder.

Panic attacks can happen anytime and anywhere. If a person is stressed out or have gone through some scary experience, it may trigger the panic attack.

In fact, it is quite normal that a person who is going through a panic attack thinks he/she has a heart attack. This is due to the changes in heartbeat when the attack occurs. The victim may think that there is something wrong with his/her heart. He/she is also very worried about having another attack.

A panic attack can adversely affect a person's quality of life. Due to the unpredictability of when the attack will occur, the sufferer may just decide not to leave his/her home. They are worried about being embarrassed and being judged by other people.

In extreme cases, some may even choose to quit their jobs. If you think you are suffering from panic attack or know a friend who is suffering from one, do not delay treatment. See your doctor immediately to have a proper diagnosis.

Looking for anxiety attack information?

One of the biggest problems that people face is the vicious cycle of the "Fear of Having another Panic or Anxiety Attack". Fortunately, it is possible to break this cycle.

Visit to find out more.

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Anxiety Disorder and Anxiety Attack Information - Different Types of Anxiety Disorders Part 3

There are more than one type of anxiety disorder. It is important to have the correct diagnosis so that you can get the appropriate treatment.

The various kinds of anxiety disorder include:

1) Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
2) Panic Disorder
3) Social Phobia
4) Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
5) Generalized Anxiety Disorder
6) Specific Phobia

In this article, we will focus our discussion on social phobia.

What is Social Phobia?

Another term for social phobia is social anxiety disorder. How do you know whether a person is suffering from social phobia?

A person who is extremely self conscious and overly anxious in a social situation is probably suffering from social phobia. People suffering from social phobia are extremely afraid of being judged and watched by others. They get embarrassed very easily. In fact, if they know there is a need to attend a social function, they may get extremely anxious for days or even weeks before the actual function.

Social phobia can adversely affect a person's quality of life. It makes it difficult for a sufferer to effectively deal with day to day activities as most of these activities require interaction with other people, which is exactly what they fear most.

You may think that a person with social phobia is not aware that their behavior is irrational but that is not true. A sufferer is well aware of that. Unfortunately, it is still not easy for them to overcome it. They may be able to force themselves to confront their fear but it is usually done with great anxiety and discomfort.

Looking for anxiety attack information?

One of the biggest problems that people face is the vicious cycle of the "Fear of Having another Panic or Anxiety Attack". Fortunately, it is possible to break this cycle.

Visit to find out more.

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Anxiety Disorder and Anxiety Attack Information - Different Types of Anxiety Disorders Part 4

There are more than one type of anxiety disorder. It is important to have the correct diagnosis so that you can get the appropriate treatment.

The various kinds of anxiety disorder include:

1) Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
2) Panic Disorder
3) Social Phobia
4) Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
5) Generalized Anxiety Disorder
6) Specific Phobia

In this article, we will focus our discussion on Post Traumatic Stress Disorder.

What is Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)?

As suggested by the name, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder develops after a person faced a trauma.

Perhaps the person has gone through a frightening ordeal which involves certain physical threats or harm. Perhaps his or her loved one is being harmed. Perhaps he/she has just witnessed a traumatic event.

All those incidents mentioned above are possible causes of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. The public became aware of PTSD because of war veterans. Some people that go through traumatic incidents like kidnapping, traffic accidents, bomb explosion, rape, torturing, mugging, plane crashing, earthquakes may also develop PTSD.

Some symptoms of PTSD includes being easily startled, irritable and sometimes being violent and aggressive. They may lose interest in activities or things that they are previously interested in. They may also have troubles expressing their feelings.

They will also try to avoid situations that may remind them of the traumatic incident. PTSD is said to affect around 7.7 million Americans. People of any age can be affected by it. Generally, women are more prone to PTSD compared to men. People who suffer from PTSD may also suffer from depression as well.

Looking for anxiety attack information?

One of the biggest problems that people face is the vicious cycle of the "Fear of Having another Panic or Anxiety Attack". Fortunately, it is possible to break this cycle.

Visit to find out more.

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Anxiety Disorder and Anxiety Attacks Information - Different Types of Anxiety Disorders Part 5

There are more than one type of anxiety disorder. It is important to have the correct diagnosis so that you can get the appropriate treatment.

The various kinds of anxiety disorder include:

1) Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
2) Panic Disorder
3) Social Phobia
4) Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
5) Generalized Anxiety Disorder
6) Specific Phobia

In this article, we will focus our discussion on Generalized Anxiety Disorder.

What is Generalized Anxiety Disorder?

How do you know if someone is suffering from generalized anxiety disorder?

Well, people with generalized anxiety disorder worries a lot and is frequently in a state of tension, even if there are really nothing to worry about. They may worry about issues like health, family, finance and work. They may think that a disaster is going to happen.

If the worries have plagued someone for at least 6 months, preventing him from functioning properly, he/she is likely to be suffering from generalized anxiety disorder.
Sufferers may recognize their own anxieties but just can't seem to get rid of them.

They are easily startled and find it extremely hard to relax. Their concentration is also affected. They may also have insomnia as they have difficulty falling asleep. Even if they do manage to fall asleep, they may wake up very easily.

Generalized Anxiety Disorder affects 6.8 million Americans and hit twice as many women as compared to men. People in their childhood or middle risk are at a higher risk, though it can hip people of any age group. People with generalized anxiety disorder may also suffer from depression at the same time.

If you suspect you or your friend is having generalized anxiety disorder, do seek a qualified health professional to get a proper diagnosis as soon as possible.

Looking for anxiety attacks information?

One of the biggest problems that people face is the vicious cycle of the "Fear of Having another Panic or Anxiety Attack". Fortunately, it is possible to break this cycle.

Visit to find out more.

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Anxiety Disorder and Anxiety Attacks Information - Different Types of Anxiety Disorders Part 6

There are more than one type of anxiety disorder. It is important to have the correct diagnosis so that you can get the appropriate treatment.

The various kinds of anxiety disorder include:

1) Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
2) Panic Disorder
3) Social Phobia
4) Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
5) Generalized Anxiety Disorder
6) Specific Phobia

In this article, we will focus our discussion on Specific Phobia.

What is a Specific Phobia?

How do you know if you or your loved ones are suffering from specific phobia?

A specific phobia is very different from panic disorder and generalized anxiety disorder. Panic disorder can happen anytime and at anywhere and is not triggered by specific any object or situation.

However, unlike panic disorder, specific phobia is triggered by a specific stimulus or situation. The fear is irrational and very strong. Even though the person will usually know that his or her fear is irrational, he/she just can't get rid of the anxiety.

When people have phobias, they may imagine a lot and may even think that what they fear will result in terrifying consequences.

If you, your friend or any of your loved ones has a very strong fear of any objects or situations, it might be an indication of a specific phobia. Is it affecting the quality of you or your friend's life?

It is best to look for a qualified health professional to get the correct diagnosis of your problem as soon as possible. Do not allow any specific phobia to adversely affect the quality of you or your friend's life.

Looking for anxiety attacks information?

One of the biggest problems that people face is the vicious cycle of the "Fear of Having another Panic or Anxiety Attack". Fortunately, it is possible to break this cycle.

Visit to find out more.

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