There are more than one type of anxiety disorder. It is important to have the correct diagnosis so that you can get the appropriate treatment.
The various kinds of anxiety disorder include:
1) Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
2) Panic Disorder
3) Social Phobia
4) Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
5) Generalized Anxiety Disorder
6) Specific Phobia
In this article, we will focus our discussion on Specific Phobia.
What is a Specific Phobia?
How do you know if you or your loved ones are suffering from specific phobia?
A specific phobia is very different from panic disorder and generalized anxiety disorder. Panic disorder can happen anytime and at anywhere and is not triggered by specific any object or situation.
However, unlike panic disorder, specific phobia is triggered by a specific stimulus or situation. The fear is irrational and very strong. Even though the person will usually know that his or her fear is irrational, he/she just can't get rid of the anxiety.
When people have phobias, they may imagine a lot and may even think that what they fear will result in terrifying consequences.
If you, your friend or any of your loved ones has a very strong fear of any objects or situations, it might be an indication of a specific phobia. Is it affecting the quality of you or your friend's life?
It is best to look for a qualified health professional to get the correct diagnosis of your problem as soon as possible. Do not allow any specific phobia to adversely affect the quality of you or your friend's life.
Looking for anxiety attacks information?
One of the biggest problems that people face is the vicious cycle of the "Fear of Having another Panic or Anxiety Attack". Fortunately, it is possible to break this cycle.
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